World War II
Discuss WWII and the era directly before and after the war from 1935-1949.
Hosted by Rowan Baylis
F8F Bearcat breakaway wingtips
United States
Joined: March 05, 2011
KitMaker: 1 posts
AeroScale: 1 posts
Posted: Friday, March 04, 2011 - 07:51 PM UTC

I'm looking for pictures, drawings, or documentation regarding the breakaway wingtips that were briefly used on the F8F Bearcat.

A Google search produces an oft repeated description, but no images or drawings: a weight-saving measure, the tips were originally designed to brake off when the wing was stressed beyond 7.5g. Later an explosive charge was used to jettison the tips. Finally the idea was abandoned and the wing reinforced.

I would like to model the plane with the tips off. I'm hoping for a picture of that configuration, or at least a drawing that shows where the tips would break away.

Thank you in advance,