1⁄35Aircraft in Comics - Part 7
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WW1 Comics
Picture 1: This picture was taken from a Biggles Comic of the eighties. The Author is unfortunately unknown but the picture is very dramatic and the combat scene well rendered. The planes are Camels and Fokker triplanes.
Picture 2: Roland Garros aboard a Morane Saulnier "Parasol", is chasing what appears to be a Fokker D. VII in... 1915!? The combat must have been difficult for the French pilot! The comic is by Marcel uderzo and was published in 1992.
Picture 3: The "Unknown pilot", a story created by Victor Hubinon (Buck Danny) in 1971, features an "unknown" aircraft which looks like a Sopwith Camel.
Picture 4: Nungesser, the famous French fighter Ace, has some problems with his Nieuport 17. A few stripes later, he will land safely in the "No Man's Land". This picture is taken from a comic by Daniel Chauvin (Dan) created in the late sixties.
Picture 5: Another picture taken from the Roland Garros comic by Uderzo. This time he pilots a Spad XIII wich is a much better plane to fight a D. VII!
Picture 6: Antoine de Saint Exupery is also a well known French pilot. He is famous for his mission over Arras in 1940 during the "Bataille de France" but he started as pilot well before and one of his first plane was this old Caudron G. III in 1921!? The comic is by C. Laverdure and was edited in 2003
Picture 7: This picture of a Nieuport appears in a recent comic by R. Hugault called "Au-delà des nuages" (beyond the clouds). The story is about two racer pilots of the mid. 30' but as you can see, some WW1 planes appear from time to time.
Picture 8: Not exactely comic pictures, but the following scenes are from an illustration book about 14-18 Aces. It is part of the Biggles series here in France. The first picture shows Kazakov's Spad VII in combat with several D. VIIs. The artwork is by Frank Brichau.
Picture 9: A second picture from the 14-18 Aces book: an Ansaldo A 1 flown by Barraca and a Hansa-Bransdenbur W 12.
Picture 10: The third illustration by Frank Brichau shows the colorful SE 5A of William Bishop attacked by a Halberstadt CL. II.
Picture 11: Finaly, here's Rickenbacker's Spad XIII with a Fokker Dr. 1
Picture 12: The last illustrations are not comic drawings neither. But they have been painted by Eric Loutte, author of the most recent Biggles comics in France, in the late 90', for the famous French magazine: "Le Fana de l'Aviation". The first one represents a Morane Saulnier under fire by Prussian troops. The pilot just recovered a secret agent in enemy lines!
Picture 13: This painting illustrates a combat between a Spad and an Albatros in France during the winter of 1917/1918.
Picture 14: The last artwork by Loutte shows a spectacular combat scene with French Bréguet XIVs.
To be continued
Next time I will show you the planes seen in a great hero's comics: RAF pilot Biggles! This time I promise you a lot of Spitfires, Hurricanes, Messerschmitts and Junkers!
Picture 1: Author unknown Copyright © MIKLO S.A.
Pictures 2 and 5: Marcel Uderzo Copyright © MIKLO S.A.
Picture 3: Victor Hubinon Copyright © DUPUIS S.A.
Picture 4: Daniel Cauvin Copyright © MIKLO S.A.
Picture 6: Claude Laverdure Copyright © DARGAUD-LOMBARD S.A.
Picture 7: Romain hugault Copyright © PAQUET S.A.
Pictures 8 to 11: Frank Brichau Copyright © MIKLO S.A.
Pictures 12 and 14: Eric Loutte Copyright © MIKLO S.A.
Copyright ©2021 by Jean-Luc Formery. Images also by copyright holder unless otherwise noted. The views and opinions expressed herein are solely the views and opinions of the authors and/or contributors to this Web site and do not necessarily represent the views and/or opinions of AeroScale, KitMaker Network, or Silver Star Enterrpises. Images also by copyright holder unless otherwise noted. Opinions expressed are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of AeroScale. All rights reserved. Originally published on: 2006-12-16 00:00:00. Unique Reads: 10892