F-105D Thunderchief


With all the fuss about Revell/Monogram finally re-releasing their F-105D, you would think that you would see more of them getting built. The hype over wanting this kit was so great that I heard stories of an original release kit going for $80 at the 1999 IPMS National Convention in Florida. The poor sap that bought that kit had to eat quite a loss when Revell/Monogram put up the banner proclaiming the kit was to be re-issued later in the year for a mere $15. On sale, you can even find it for just over $10 (which is what I paid for the extra kit I purchased for this project).

Just as Revell/Monogram was re-issuing this kit, I got an e-mail from a guy living outside Washington DC asking if I would be interested in building an F-105D model for him to present to a friend that had just retired, kind-of as a retirement gift. This guy's friend had flown the THUD for the DC ANG during the early to mid 1970s. He wanted to present to his friend a nicely built display model to replace the desktop model that was destroyed by a falling picture when the friend was moving out of his office. With the availability of the new Revell/Monogram re-issued kit, I would not have to commit one of my personal kits, so I agreed to take on the project.


About the Author

About David W. Aungst (DWAungst)


Not as good as some of his other works I've read, but they were more technical in nature than this one. A good read, though. What is that yellow thing on the front gear? A helmet?
APR 29, 2003 - 05:38 PM
:-) Nice model, confirms for me that I will have to re-scribe the panel lines :-) Tim, I actually have the detail and scale book on this, the yellow thing on the front gear is a cover over the GCA antenna, whatever that is :-) Mal
APR 29, 2003 - 06:08 PM
It is a good model but....I agree not as good as some others he has done...The F-14 splinter pattern springs to mind straight away. His pre and post shading is fantastic though.......as always.....
APR 29, 2003 - 11:53 PM
Im thinking ita a cover for the landing gear light.... Maybe?
APR 30, 2003 - 12:07 AM
Thanks guys, I thought it was an unusual place for a pilot to hang his helmet.
APR 30, 2003 - 02:33 AM