Luftwaffe Camouflage in WW2

Reichs Luftfahrt Ministerium (RLM)

This was the organism by which the Germans standardized colors they used in painting their aircraft during WW2.  It was determined by different regulations where, when and in what kind of airplanes the colors had to be used.

I listed the most often used colors and their equivalents in two brands of enamel and one brand of acrylic paint.

Personally, I like the Model Master Enamels because they match very well, you can find all the RLM codes that you would need and they can be applied without mixing except the use of thinner if you need to dilute it.

RLM Code Equivalents

RLM Name FS 595A Humbrol Model Master Vallejo MA
01 Silber 17178 191 - -
02 Grau 36165 86 2071 44
04 Gelb 23538 154 2072 -
22 Schwarz 37038 33 1749 57
23 Rot 31140 - 2073 -
61 Dunkelbraun 30040 10 2075 -
62 Grun 34128 117 2076 -
63 Hellgrau 36373 115 2077 -
65 Hellblau 35352 65 2078 08
66 Schwartzgrau 36081 92 2079 55
70 Schwartzgrun 34050 91 2080 21
71 Dunkelgun 34079 30 2081 15
72 Grun 34056 - 2082 -
74 Graugrun 34086 32 2084 54
75 Grauviolett 36122 140 2085 52
76 Lichtblau 36473 175 2086 46
78 Himmelblau 35352 122 2087 -
79 Sandbraun 33434 118 2088 34
80 Olivegrun 34052 116 2089 17
81 Braunviolett 34087 155 2090 43
82 Lichtgrun 34096 117 2091 22
83 Dunkelgrun 34083 116 2092 13

About the Author

About Carlos Schneerson (csch)


Hi there Tin Can Thanks for the tip... that's a really neat colour cross reference. One to keep handy! All the best Rowan
JUN 24, 2003 - 11:25 AM
Thanks for the cool tips Carlos..... This is definetly a keeper. (++)
JUN 24, 2003 - 11:41 AM
JUN 24, 2003 - 10:46 PM
Carlos, Thank you! Here are some URLs you mentioned, or not. I have a b'zillion of them, many duplicates, and they list RLM and how to obtain them. A lot comparing old Humbrol with new Humbrol, and mixing of discontinued colors like RLM 72 & 73, and matching to Polly Scale, MM, Tamiya, etc. LINK LINK LINK
JUN 27, 2003 - 03:09 AM
Way cool and thank you!!
JUN 27, 2003 - 04:24 AM