DC-130A Drone Carrier



I used all Model Master enamel paints. The entire model was primed in white prior to applying the yellow and red portions. Learning how to apply Day-Glo red on the Firebee drones was a challenge.

The markings are taken from the kit decal sheet, although I back-dated them to markings worn by the aircraft at a time when the black "cheat line" on the fuselage was very thin and the tail had simple black block letters without the yellow sash provided in the kit decals.

I weathered the model using diluted enamel paint washes and shading done with an airbrush. I left the entire aircraft in a gloss finish, except for the walkways on top of the wings. The walkways were painted with a clear flat paint, masking off the lettering and insignia so these would stay glossy.


About the Author

About David W. Aungst (DWAungst)


Thx for the heads-up Tin Can. Love the paint work and the subject! I am a true 'variant' fan afterall. Tread. Could have sworn I saw one of those things in 1/48th scale the other day.
NOV 02, 2003 - 04:45 PM
Wow! I like the work! Nicely done.
NOV 03, 2003 - 12:54 AM
Now there's something you don't see often. Very colorfull. Very nice job David. PS: Bryan, the link you added goes to the second page of the article.
NOV 03, 2003 - 02:40 AM
Hi there That is a beautiful piece of work... I don't think screen shots can do do justice to just how good a BIG kit like that must look for real... :-) All the best Rowan
NOV 03, 2003 - 09:20 AM
A little history lesson. I believe that the DC- was just recently retired from the Navy (not sure, may be Air Force). The duty it provided was invaluable.
FEB 10, 2004 - 07:06 AM