Top Gun Tiger


Top Gun is famous for creating some distinctive camouflages representing enemy aircraft paint schemes, but every so often they do something just because it looks good. This Tiger II is an example of the "looks good" practice. I always liked this camouflage scheme, but lacked the ambition to attempt the positive / negative markings. Finally, my desire to have the model sitting on my shelves overruled my fears and I dived in. The markings proved to be easier than I had always thought they would be.


About the Author

About David W. Aungst (DWAungst)


:-) Very nice Tiger David, love the camo scheme and markings. I have one of these in my stach, had for about a millenium, might even drag it out :-) Mal
FEB 16, 2004 - 08:40 AM
Nice F5!In fact, a King Tiger!
FEB 16, 2004 - 09:23 AM