
Right Front Cockpit
The right front cockpit sequence follows the same concept as the left front cockpit sequence. As will all subsequent galleries.
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About the Author

About Frederick Boucher (JPTRR)

I'm a professional pilot with a degree in art. My first model was an AMT semi dump truck. Then Monogram's Lunar Lander right after the lunar landing. Next, Revell's 1/32 Bf-109G...cried havoc and released the dogs of modeling! My interests--if built before 1900, or after 1955, then I proba...


Frederick Boucher you are a star!!!!! Fantastic photos and I am really looking forward to the videos. Whats it like sitting in that cockpit? I presume thats your leg in the cockpit photos. Many, many thanks for sharing. Now where did I leave my wallet so I can acquire a 1/72 F-100? All the best. tim
SEP 09, 2010 - 10:12 PM
Bravo Fred! I for one really, really appreciate you taking the time to post this. I'll be building an F-100 early next year for the "Century Series" campaign and these spectacular photos will come in handy. Hermon
SEP 11, 2010 - 05:33 AM
Hi Tim, Sorry for the late reply. First, the F-100 video is now on the feature. >>Whats it like sitting in that cockpit? I presume thats your leg in the cockpit photos.>> Yes, my leg. Tried to get its pale puniness out the way LOL! The cockpit is relatively roomy once I moved the pilot's helmet out of the way. The view front the cockpit is nothing like 3rd and later generation pilots. Heavy framing, lots of stuff piled up on the console over the instrument panel. Once you overlook those, you really can not see the nose of the jet, so there is good visibility beyond the appliances. The side consoles seem to be pretty easy to reach, except for the panels to the mid- and rear. Of course, it was a thrill to sit there. Created a lot of "I wonder" moments. All the best. Fred
SEP 20, 2010 - 11:50 AM
Hi Tim, Sorry for the late reply. First, the F-100 video is now on the feature. The cockpit is relatively roomy once I moved the pilot's helmet out of the way. The view front the cockpit is nothing like 3rd and later generation pilots. Heavy framing, lots of stuff piled up on the console over the instrument panel. Once you overlook those, you really can not see the nose of the jet, so there is good visibility beyond the appliances. The side consoles seem to be pretty easy to reach, except for the panels to the mid- and rear. Of course, it was a thrill to sit there. Created a lot of "I wonder" moments. All the best. Fred
SEP 20, 2010 - 11:51 AM