Aircraft models at Thionville Expo 2010
Aircraft models at Thionville Expo 2010
The Thionville Expo is probably the biggest modeling event in the north east of France and every two years, model builders from France, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and even Switzerland meet there to show their latest models in two huge halls. This year’s show took place the 16 and 17 of October and every genre was of course represented (Armor, ship, figure, etc…) but I have almost only shot pictures of aircraft. You can see a small excerpt of what was on display in this photo feature. Enjoy…Comments
This was a really nice event! Thanks to Jean-Luc and Marc for making this possible for me ... and to Geoffroy for helping me out in conversations
all the best

NOV 08, 2010 - 09:39 AM
Hi Steffen
Come the day... given the chance... I'll join you guys in your neck of the woods - it looks a pretty good part of the world to be a modeller!
All the best
NOV 08, 2010 - 09:57 AM
Thank you for the awesome photos Jean-Luc! A nice selection of aircraft there- in particular I love the Hawker (Sea?) Fury, that big Russian jet bomb with the Mig 23 (or 27?), and the more unusual French twin prop types.
NOV 08, 2010 - 10:14 AM
Hi Rowan
how about February ... Nuremberg Toy Fair is also a fun place
BTW I do not want to misuse the thread, but as I also shot a few different pix I would like to post a link to my Expo report (many pix may look familiar though )
Sadly I cannot afford a better camera so my pix are not quite as clear and stable as Jean-Lucs .. but I am sure he likes this picture:
we may see some Darts practice soon

NOV 08, 2010 - 08:23 PM
Hi all,
The place were we live is indeed covered with woods. Especially the road between Marc's house and mine. I think Steffen can confirm this...
Not at all! It's nice to see some additional photos. I completely forgot to shoot our own models for example...
In the photo above, I'm the person in the background judging the contest models. When I touch the models with my nose, I know I'm too close...
NOV 08, 2010 - 08:48 PM
Hi Steffen
I'd really love to go to the Toy Fair, but at the moment I simply couldn't afford a trip abroad. Of course, if I can find a little job, that may change - but then I might not be able to take the time off work! Catch-22!
All the best
NOV 09, 2010 - 02:21 AM
That's great
I really want to join day......
I liked the SM.82 with complicated camo (Even with brush), like a million tiny worms
The BF-109 in the 2nd from the end photos Is GREAT (I am prepairing for a personall BF-109 Campaign but in the future)
Also the P-40 in the 5th photo from the end is really great, I'll build one in the P-40 campaign
Cheers Nick
NOV 09, 2010 - 05:44 AM
Copyright ©2021 by Jean-Luc Formery. Images also by copyright holder unless otherwise noted. The views and opinions expressed herein are solely the views and opinions of the authors and/or contributors to this Web site and do not necessarily represent the views and/or opinions of AeroScale, KitMaker Network, or Silver Star Enterrpises. Images also by copyright holder unless otherwise noted. Opinions expressed are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of AeroScale. All rights reserved. Originally published on: 2010-11-04 00:00:00. Unique Reads: 11323