Nürnberg Toy Fair 2013
Nürnberg's toy fair
2009 was the first time I visited the International Toy Fair in Nürnberg so 2013 was my fifth edition. I must confess that it becomes a more enjoyable experience over the years, mainly because I start to know most of the people involved in the plastic model kit industry, especially when they do aircraft related subjects. It is like a small family at the Fair and it is very interesting to meet everyone and discuss the new plastic kits, the future of the hobby and life in general. Sadly, like in real families, not everything is always perfect and I have seen some manufacturers disappear from the exhibitor's list in the past but the resulting free space is always reallocated very quickly. This year for example, Meng was present at the Fair for the first time, although in Hall 11.1, where the newcomers have to stay at least once before moving in their dedicated areas the year after. Like in families, there are conflictual situations and I have seen people avoiding each other at the fair or heard about things which would have made interesting stories for a movie. But to be honest, most of the time everything is discussed in a very civilized manner around a table with some "fruit juice" to help a little and quite often gentlemens' agreements are made to the benefit of all the parties.Once again it seemed as if the number of visitors was fewer than the year before. The global economic crisis is not over yet and the toy industry suffers from it like every other industry, perhaps even more. Plastic model kit manufacturers are in the first line and one would imagine that our hobby is about to disappear soon. Well, it does not seem to be the case! There are still new kits announced and being produced in scale ranging from 1/144 to 1/32 with the latter growing steadily. In fact, as long as there will be model kit builders or should I better say "buyers", there will be a model kit industry ready to produce models for them. However I have noticed that most of the plastic kit manufacturers are planning for the future and for the first time I have seen a real effort made towards the younger builders. Yes they do represent the future of our hobby, but this future will be probably very different than what we are used to with even more licensed products derived from the entertainment industry. The bigger names are going this route while the medium and small sized companies are still continuing to produce more "serious" and "historical" model kits. Once again, there was something new for everyone at the Toy Fair and aircraft modellers will have a hard time to reduce the size of their stashes in 2013. This admittedly is nothing really new…
It was again a real pleasure to meet the people representing the plastic model kit industry and I must say a big thank you to all of them for devoting some of their precious time to answer my silly questions. I wish them and their companies all the best for this year and I'm already looking forward to meet them again in 2014. It was also very nice to see Sindy, Volker and Steffen again, though I wish we would have had more time to talk. Well, there's always next year.
For a list of what is scheduled for 2013, please take a look at the IPMS Deutschland News List list which is probably the most up to date around the web.
Note: IPMS Deutschland have kindly allowed us to use some of their images to fill the gaps of this report. Thanks a lot to them!
The next few pages will break down the fair by manufacturer letting us know what to expect from our favourite suppliers.
Nice work Jessica & Jean-Luc! Jean-Luc another fine job of reporting.
FEB 22, 2013 - 04:20 PM
Just found this on the quarterkit page .. you see it is a very tough job being on the show
good article J-L .. hope we meet in Siegen/Wilnsdorf

FEB 23, 2013 - 06:08 AM
Yes. I can't imagine how she got talked into wearing pink leggings with a purple monster eating her head! She'd better be getting hardship pay for that.
FEB 23, 2013 - 07:18 AM
Hi Steffen, I hope too...
Thanks Jessica for the editing!
FEB 23, 2013 - 10:50 AM
Hi Jean-Luc
Another excellent report! I can certainly foresee a few of the items announced making a dent in my wallet...
All the best
FEB 23, 2013 - 11:13 PM
Thank you for your time, text, and photo-eye. Wonderful story.
Tell me about that cut-away Mitsubishi J2M Raiden!? I missed it in the text.
FEB 24, 2013 - 03:56 PM
It's not a huge portion of the text:
"It seems as if the time has stopped at Zoukei-Moura. Their 1/32 He 219 is still not ready and the Raiden isn't in its final stage either. "
So stand by to stand by
FEB 24, 2013 - 04:07 PM
Once again a complete and excellent report! Looks like you had a great time. Always good to see what's new!
Fantastic job as always! Thank you!
FEB 25, 2013 - 01:21 PM
Encore Models' "Blue Max Pfalz D.III" - wow! I just watched The Blue Max twice last month.
FEB 28, 2013 - 05:09 PM
Copyright ©2021 by Jean-Luc Formery. Images also by copyright holder unless otherwise noted. The views and opinions expressed herein are solely the views and opinions of the authors and/or contributors to this Web site and do not necessarily represent the views and/or opinions of AeroScale, KitMaker Network, or Silver Star Enterrpises. Images also by copyright holder unless otherwise noted. Opinions expressed are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of AeroScale. All rights reserved. Originally published on: 2013-02-23 00:48:23. Unique Reads: 13568