Time goes on and with a couple of biplane builds under my belt I felt it was time to have another go at the old Airfix Tiger Moth.
Ive saved the first attempt and its sitting on the bench to inspire me when I get fed up with working on the parts,which need a lot of work before assembly.Sink marks everywhere but perhaps the worst part is a large "bump" on the port wing which Ive had to sand away to level the wing out.
Im still cleaning this up but its getting there.
Heres how Im progressing at the moment,,and a photo of the failed first attempt at this kit.

Fusalage together and primed.Still some filling and sanding to go on this,and also on the wing sections.

How the first attempt ended up.Snapped rigging,burn marks and just a general disaster area.
Lets hope "take 2" turns out a lot better.