World War II
Discuss WWII and the era directly before and after the war from 1935-1949.
Hosted by Rowan Baylis
Me 410 B-2
Moselle, France
Joined: May 15, 2005
KitMaker: 5,653 posts
AeroScale: 4,347 posts
Posted: Friday, July 13, 2007 - 12:41 AM UTC

Sorry for being late... but better late than never! Here are some fantastic photos of the Aeroscale Model of the Month winner of April: Gregor Krizman's (gregax) 1/48 scale Revell Me 410 B-2. There are some nice in progress included in this feature as well...

Link to Item

If you have comments or questions please post them here.

England - East Anglia, United Kingdom
Joined: November 09, 2006
KitMaker: 295 posts
AeroScale: 276 posts
Posted: Friday, July 13, 2007 - 01:46 AM UTC
Amazing!!! The masking for the walkways(?) is incredible must have been very time consuming but has come out fantastic.

I'd be VERY happy with a model half that good. Congrats on a very fine model Gregax.

Indiana, United States
Joined: May 14, 2007
KitMaker: 3,117 posts
AeroScale: 2,270 posts
Posted: Friday, July 13, 2007 - 08:55 AM UTC
Good job. I gotta do one of these.
England - East Midlands, United Kingdom
Joined: December 23, 2005
KitMaker: 6,249 posts
AeroScale: 3,270 posts
Posted: Friday, July 13, 2007 - 10:03 AM UTC
A worthy winner Gregor!
Stunning work,particularly on the mottle camoflage.
Well done.
Kobenhavn, Denmark
Joined: July 20, 2006
KitMaker: 10,069 posts
AeroScale: 3,788 posts
Posted: Sunday, July 15, 2007 - 07:08 PM UTC
Well deserved prize, Gregor!!

I have said it before, but dont mind saying it again: Simply fantastic work!!
Joined: May 11, 2005
KitMaker: 124 posts
AeroScale: 118 posts
Posted: Monday, July 23, 2007 - 07:15 AM UTC
Thank you guys. Just came from vacation... it's nice to see my work on the mainpage.