I saw your post but couldn't find it yesterday, I usually lurk in the Armor section, so posted a new thread there.
1/48th Horsa Glider info Buut.... to answer your 'actual' question
There is a 1/35th RESIN model, not 1/48th as I first thought,
1/35th Masterpiece models Waco Glider USD$200, but it is worthwhile downloading the instruction sheet,a 'Masterpiece' of information on it's own.
For masochists: a Vacform is available from Sanger Engineering
1/48th Waco Glider Link This is very basic shapes, no interior to speak of & minimal cockpit, but it's a start.
In 1/33 GPM do the Waco Glider in card, popular in Europe.
1/33 Waco Glider Link This is useful to fill in missing details.
A collection of YouTube build videos
GPM 1/33 Waco Glider Link If you get hold of this, reduce by 68.75% to give 1/48th.
useful to fill in missing details.
Also available from Italeri in 1/72. and at least one resin model in 1/144th
Good luck