We're doing well, but that's no excuse for resting on our laurels. As Staff_Jim always says, "Change is good!" - so what new things would you like to see us doing on Aeroscale - or what existing things could we do better?
To get the ball rolling, I'll quote the comments from Phantom 2 (Stefan Ericsson) in the "Onward and Upward" thread:
Quoted Text
Some suggestons;
An easier way to submit pictures and features, I still find It akward and a bit difficult.
But thatīs maybe me as well who canīt get along with the system!
A chatroom where we can meet and "speak" in "real time" would be fun.
Well, that was some of my thoughts about Aeroscale!
Keep up the good work everybody!
Stefan E
So everybody - put your thinking caps on - how can we make Aeroscale even better in future?

All the best