Hi All!
I missed this tread myself, forgot all about It!
My only excuse Is that I had my head (and hands!) full with a big Tomcat!
Thanks to all, I´m glad you enjoyed my P-47!
Lampie, the only tricky thing on this build Is the cowling!
I did It this way;
First I glued the back-cowling (cooling-gills) part to the fuselage, and made sure It was correctly aligned.
This Is probably easiest If you use the closed one, as I did.
The open part only shows how empty It´s inside!
Then I glued the engine and lower cowling to the back cowling.
Ensure everything Is absolutley straight and square!
After this I glued the Top cowling part.
last I fitted the side parts of the cowling.
I had to sand the edges to get a snug fit.
This worked for me, but It really Is a fiddly assembly!
Go slow and be careful and you won´t have to use any filler at all!
This was one of the best 1/32 kits I have ever built (so far)!
Only a couple of minor grapes;
Wrong floor supplied for Gabreskis´ machine.
His ac is a P-47D-25 and should have the earlier corrugated floor, I did nothing about this.
Instructions show that this variant did not have any wing pylons, but my references shows that pylons were in fact first introduced on the-25 series.
Cannon barrells are not drilled out and completly featureless.
I used Hases own add-on barrell set, an worthwile addition.
No seat belts supplied, Eduard have pre-painted belts.
The wheels are not weighted, this model just begs for such wheels.
Not available at the time.
Decals are good, but the stars´n´bars and white D-day stripes are very translucent.
The D-day stripes for Gabreski´s aircraft doesn´t fit at all around the upper fuselage!
Luckily I could borrow a second sheet from my buddy Lasse (Repainted), so I could do some "cut´n´paste".
Given the price and what you get in the box, I´ll say this kit Is a bargain.
A perfect first big-scale kit!
Well, now I have the Trumpeter Razorback In the stash as well as another Hase Bubble!
More Thunderbolts to build!
Stefan E