Nigel In answer to your questions
1. I've been using white spirit to thin my oil paints. 2. I usually leave it at least 24 hours and have left it for days before and it stil smudged. 3. I have always hand brushed with KLEAR as I wasn't sure if it would go through my airbrush and clog it up as i've only got a cheap single action revell one. I also used to use varnish but that was before I found this site and about how to make panel lines stand out. I then went over to covering with future and then dulling down if needed with Testors dullcote. Having thought about it I have used Dullcote straight on top on the wash before. Could that be why some of my washes are running?
I did try once to use a pencil but could never seem to get it into the panel lines. I also tred using graphite sticks ground down to powder but again it just seemed to wash out again or not stick at all to the paint. Perahps I'm trying to many methods and should just try to perfect one first.
Thanks for all the help and advice keep it coming