This is going to be my second project after a long break from the hobby. I picked up this kit at a local supermarket and liked the look of it. I thought I'd open a thread here so that more experienced modellers might offer some useful tips or advice. I would be extremely grateful as I'm still very new to using an airbrush and techniques such as weathering etc.
I don't have much time these days and I'm not really sure how long this model will take to complete. This doesn't really bother me because I think I'm hooked on modelling now and am in it for the long haul
Here I've assembled the wings and cockpit.
The cockpit painted and glued to the fuselage. I used masking tape for seatbelts and dry-brushed the control panel. I then uses a pencil in an attempt to depict 'wear and tear'. I'm not sure about the results. I also now realise that my choice of interior colour is much lighter than that actually used by the RAF. Oh well, another lesson learned
The completed fuselage section. Quite a narrow cockpit opening so the only real detail visible is the seat and instrument panel.
Well that's about as much as I could get done so far. It'll probably be next week before I finish the airframe and see how much filling and sanding need done. The wing roots already look like they'll need some tender loving care!