Thanks for all the great comments guys. The decals did snuggle down nice but what you see is without any kind of setting solution. The decals were so thin they settled nice but were subject to tearing easily.
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Nice job!!!! Who made that kit? I got an Lindberg that I should probably let you build for me!!!!!
The kit is made by Roden and was graciously donated by HobbyTerra. I've not heard anything regarding the Lindberg kit but this kit isn't too bad. There are some problems that I'll address in the article I write.
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Is the canopy masked in these pics? Being an armor guy I've always been curious how you aircraft dudes manage to paint so cleanly around the glass without fowling the canopy with paint.
Yes, the canopy is masked in these pics. I mask using 3M blue masking tape which has always worked pretty good for me. It was a little difficult on this kit though because of the small size of the canopy. I think it would have been a good candidate to try liquid mask.