If Tamiya (or any other manufacturer) tried to make every color for every kit, you couldn't afford it. There would be so many different colors, and it would have to be produced in such small quantities, the prices would be out of sight. And you would have to buy that many more bottles of paint so that you had each color!
The ratio system is actually quite common for any kind of color mixing. This is how all automotive paints are mixed, except it's usually done on very accurate scales.
If you are painting only small parts, you can mix the paint using a dropper and count the drops. This can also be done using a toothpick, but it's more difficult to pick up and drop the paint. Inexpensive small plastic mixing cups can be picked up at a grocery store, or dosage cups from a pharmacy. For larger items and larger quantities, you will need to mix in a bottle (an empty thinner bottle works well).
Again, by mixing only the amount of paint that you need, you actually save money rather than having to have a whole bottle of a little-used shade.
Think about it, it makes lots more sense.