Modelzone at Southampton UK are currently selling this at £7.99. I've just bought one and can confirm that the molding quality seems better than reports for the original. Panel lines all look sharp and the sink marks reported in older reviews are not a problem here. I also saw mention of a horrible mold line on the bottom of the wing that require a lot of sanding and rescribing - once again there's no evidence of this problem here. Decals look well registered and good, with a caveat that the naked nose art decals are a bit indistinct (but you can clearly see the main features - if you know what I mean!).
I'm a complete Aeroscale newbie (this is my very first posting - yay!), but I'll try to add further comments on this kit once I get it 'under the knife'.
I must admit, the £7.99 price tag was the deciding factor for me, I've always been scared off by metallic finishes, but at this price I can afford to make a few mistakes (except it looks such a nice kit I really hope I don't).
Happy modelling!!