Hi James,
A good airbrush set up can be very expensive but as a beginner you really need to get the basics under your belt. There are airbrushes out there for around the £50 mark but to really be able to get to grips with airbrushing you not only have to be able to adjust the nozzle of the airbrush but, most importantly, you must be able to adjust the pressure to do the sort of spraying that you are talking about. Canned air is very expensive, especially so if you run out when you are trying to clean your airbrush, or if you rely on it for even a few models. The only real option is a compressor, which is relative expensive in the short term but gives you an endless supply of air. You will also require a a moisture trap and a regulator (mine are combined).
My suggestion would be to go for a relatively cheap airbrush and find a second hand compressor. My first airbrush and compressor were secon hand

and dirt cheap.
I'm sort of guessing here, that you are looking at this as a Christmas present? But even if your not you can buy a fairly good double action airbrush (based on a Badger, which is a pretty good make. My first airbrush was a badger), from Machine Mart, for around £24. You may be able to find a second hand diaphragm compressor for around £30, or less? Something else which is essential is a holding tank (a vessel that holds the air and delivers it in a smooth flow) I may be able to help you out on that score. I also have a compressor that you can have but it is not very good for a beginner (it only produces about 0.5 bar of pressure and you would need to be shown how to use it, but it would be better, possibly, than cans. I used it when I was between compressors but I would advise that you get a more capable one otherwise you may be put off entirely.
Where abouts do you live? Even though you are not showing a flag you are in the UK as your talking pounds

If you are close (ish) to me I'm willing to give you a few lessons on airbrushing

Or alternatively, my club is hosting a modelling workshop in February, in Grimsby. I live between Worksop and Doncaster
Don't be put off and whichever way you go remember this, It isn't the airbrush that is at fault, it's the operator