General Aircraft: Contests
A monthly online photo contest. Show your work!
Are you still waiting for a "Harricature"?
Staff MemberPresident
England - South West, United Kingdom
Joined: September 30, 2002
KitMaker: 8,581 posts
AeroScale: 4,913 posts
Posted: Thursday, December 20, 2007 - 08:36 AM UTC
There are I think 3 members still waiting for Harricatures from the old MOM. Gregax is one of them but I can't remeber who the other 2 are.

I'm afraid that there won't be any more Harricatures, Harri is far to busy, but if you could see what he is doing now you would be amazed. Anyway he hasn't forgotten about you and I now have something for each of the 3 winners. I have Gregax's address, from his recent win so I need the other 2. Don't be shy, it's Christmas.
