Hi Chris.
Dont forget to mask the canopy before you varnish!!
Lovely looking Wyvern though, and your right to feel pleased with yourself.
There are two ideas you could use to help the decals sit into the panel lines.One for brave people and one for not so brave,,LOL.
Brave method...
Before applying the micro sol,( the solution that wrinkles and then pulls the decals down into the engraved detail),using a brand new blade, very carefully cut the decal along the panel line.Then apply the microsol and it should bed down with no sign of a join.
Sometimes the decal has settled down into the panel line ok but because the panel line is shallow you wont be seeing the effect your looking for. To get round this, before painting, rescribe the panel lines in the area where the decals are going to be applied. This will give a deeper engraved line for the decal to sink into when microsol is applied.
How did the Wyvern go together? Ive looked at this kit on more than one occasion and have almost been tempted a few times.