Hi Howard!
That´s one of the best Beaus I´ve seen, period!
And It´s the same version I did a couple of years back, when I returned to modelling aircrafts again.
Mine was painted by brush (had no airbrush back then, and I was totally unaware of the wonderful modelling community on the net!), so It´s in no way near your result!
But I liked the kit so much that I got the other two boxings (Nightfighter and MkX).
Only "critisism" I can give is the somewhat too bright copper colour on the engines collector rings.
Those were made in Aluminium and heated to a cherry-red glow during flight If the engines were strained.
Not so good for a night fighter!
This made the rings to get a burned metal color, In some cases to an almost blue-black metallic color.
I usually go for the AlcladII Burnt Metal as I believe this comes pretty close to pics I have seen.
If needed you can tone down the BM with some "Jet Exhaust" (works as Tamiya smoke).
If you mix black and a dark blue-grey (about 50/50), You´ll get a nice color for your tires!
This is really nit-picking I know, but you asked for It, eh!
Nice Build!
Stefan E