Now here's a face only a mother could love.
This is the Hasesgawa P-40N in 1/48th. It's done up as a ship of the 89th FS 80th FG in India 1944. I used the Black Box cockpit set (sweet) and Eagle Strike decals (equally sweet.)
I do have to say that, although the detail is really good, I HATE the engineering of this kit. Too many inserts and too many "plug this open that." Not that I mind the work. I just mind doing this much work on a $40 kit.
But, I digress. One of the alterations that I'm proud of is the correction of the canopy and armor "trianges" at the base of the windscreen. Thanks to Steve aka Blackwolf3945, for pointing this out. I cut the kit armor off, made right angles where they were and replaced them with .005" brass. I then added styrene to the "notches" in the canopy and shaped it to make the correct right angled shape.
Without further ado..... As always, comments and critques appreciated.