Thank you.
What i have so far:
"Women in Air War (The Eastern Front of World War II)"
edited and translated by; Kazimiera J. Cottam
New Military Publishing Nepean Canada ISBN 0-9682702-1-2
Polykarpov U-2/Po-2 by Martin Velek
Published by: MBI (model file series) ISBN 80-86524-02-7
Numerous online modeling sites: more which I'll dig out and post.
But I'll bet that you guys already know them all.
Here is something very interesting these are goor resouces for the actual aircraft. other store is: what i still need to find are photos of airfields to add the ground support equipment and general field details.
By the way the above guy has these movies avail. for sale on dvds as a set. Which should certainly bulk up the documentation available.:
--------snip----- from e-mail--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Regarding the old Soviet movies, i have it more, even including these you ask, I-15, I-16, LA-5 ...
Here is the list:
BI-1_take off.mpg 3.463.172 BI-1Ground.mpg 3.274.516 BurnFireBurn.wmv 55.166.922 Frontovie kinooperatori.avi 109.800.422 FW190 VVS Testing.avi 75.634.688 2
He-162.avi 66.107.392 i16.mpg 4.513.416 il-4.avi 92.445.482 la5.avi 159.248.680 ME262 VVS Testing.avi 101.371.904 Red stars10.avi 211.085.312 TB3.avi 65.191.936 TU-2.avi 68.041.056 Soviet aircrafts PO-2/R-5/TB-3/SB-2/UT-2/YAKs.avi 734.576.640 YAK15 Roll.mpg 1.236.350
These movies are instructional movies, with charts, animations, in flight photos, service details etc, like the IL-2 and YAKs you allready have.
German planes, FW/ME-262/HE-162 are movies taken with captured German planes, as dogfight-flight testing instriuctional movies.
And few good movies from 1940s/ B/W,
Nebesnyj.tihohod.avi 543.936.512 Polikarpov PO-2 night bomber
Nebo Moskvy.avi 728.347.088 Mig-1 unit over Moscow
V.Chkalov_1941.avi 736.913.408 Valery Chkalov bio, great movie with authentic I-15, I-16, R-5 aerial shots,
Vozdushnyj.izvozchik.mpg 741.602.344 Soviet Airliner LI-2 ( DC-3) pilot romanced story
I'm sure you serious modellers will have found all this long ago, so please bear with a newbies silly questions.
Now to find some good books as stated above.
I am an avid Free Flight modeller of many years.
Thank you all,