Your first wingy-thingy in a while? You did a fine job! Painting the Hinomarus ( Japanese national markings ) in lieu of decals--I haven't tried that yet. The canopy, looks as good as I've been able to manage lately. I do not see a speck of decal film--superb! I do not see any glaring seams ( with an exception, discussed below )--well done [ though Tamiya makes this easy ].
Your colors may, or may not, be too dark--open to debate.
My constructive criticism is to be wary of seams along the leading edge, especially where a light, or bright, color will be, such as the yellow ID stripes. They magnify seam imperfections. Fill and polish them down carefully.
The way I check for alignment of landing gear is to position them best as able and before the glue sets, eyeball them from above the model. Position your dominate eye over the middle of the airframe, looking down on the top of it, and rotate the model until both gear are just visible beyond the leading edge. Note if one sticks out a bit farther than the other, and if one is more displaced left or right ( you can use a wing gun or panel line for reference ). Adjust.
Overall, a well built Zeke 52!