Well, as soon as "Maehrline" the Magician gets a hold of it you know it'll be a wash! What doesn't turn to Gelt in the master's hands, eh? (Provided he has time to
finish it

(Just havin' a go at ya Rowan! Been a while so I thought I'd get in a small dig...

2 Headscratchers

. Mark me as a Nekulturny Amerikanische, But who in blazes invests in a styrene injection mold for a "Limited Run"?
AND- I'm wise to the current favor of recessed Panel lines, but in the Modelimex pics of the sprues in situ, at 1:48 wouldn't those separations be close to 30-40mm in depth? Scale realism is Wunderlich, but Gahhwwr! Try to get any one but the fliegersturm up in a crate with gaps like that...