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Canopy Masking question
Western Australia, Australia
Joined: June 05, 2007
KitMaker: 2,166 posts
AeroScale: 105 posts
Posted: Friday, March 21, 2008 - 01:29 AM UTC
How can I mask my 1:72 Hurricane canopy. I don't have access to Tamiya tape or Parafilm-M. I don't really want to have to buy special masking kits either. Are there any easy, cheap ways to mask canopies?

Sorry but I need to ask this, can't find any previous topics.


United States
Joined: May 19, 2003
KitMaker: 860 posts
AeroScale: 75 posts
Posted: Friday, March 21, 2008 - 02:24 AM UTC
I would find drafting tape. Try your local office supply store. It has less tack than regular masking tape. Regular masking tape works also. I would NOT use scotch tape. Wish you luck