I need to stick some tape belts to the seat, but the fuselage halves are going together. Paints used are Polly Scale: Dirty White, British Medium Sea Grey; MMAcryl: Wood, Leather, Burnt Sienna, all clear coats. Weathering was done with powdered pastels before the final clear flat. I had to narrow the channel at the rear of the upper combing, it was far too wide when dry fit. I'll still have to trim to fit in the rear of the guns as it juts out too far.

I have been a busy boy today and got the Strutter's fuselage and top decking on, cut, filled, sanded, and rescribed as needed.
I pre-painted the leather cockpit combing, it shall be for the most past masked. The engine firewall has been painted black and will be shot in Aluminum tomorrow. The engine is for the most part painted. I shall mask the front on the cylinders and spray the front cover in a Dark Aluminum.
Gun is sit in place, but unpainted yet. I have prepared a windscreen from a Waldron-punched disk of clear styrene to be attached to the rear of the Vickers. One can also see that my panel did OK.
As you can see by the tap fit, the cowling looks fine, there are a few steps I shall have to blend in, but it's not much. Lower wings are attached and aligned. I need to clean a few places, then mark and cut a place for the Strutter's speed brake control. I also need to drill placement holes for the landing gear struts, as well as the rear strut. Placement of the upper wing is going to be tricky when time comes, wish me luck.