Dang! I am going to have to order the regular kit. My LHS told me yesterday I could get it for $59.
If anyone has the kit in hand could you post the intruction sheet?
edit: Well I ordered the kit for $ 59 .
Early Aviation
Discuss World War I and the early years of aviation thru 1934.
Discuss World War I and the early years of aviation thru 1934.
Hosted by Jim Starkweather
Preview Eduard 1/48 Fokker Dr.I


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Posted: Friday, May 16, 2008 - 03:20 AM UTC


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Posted: Friday, May 16, 2008 - 09:48 AM UTC
Greetings CWatson, here is what Eduard is advertising the first issue for.
1136 Der rote Flieger (Fok.DrI+Albat.D.V.) 74.95
Total in shopping cart 1 $ 74.95
Total in shopping cart $ 74.95
Shipping costs $ 29.00
Total price: $ 103.95
See information please:
Please, contact us directly on [email protected] in case you:
wont receive an email confirmation about the receipt of your order within 3 working days
should have any problems login in into our website or any problems regarding your order
find mistakes or discrepancies in any of our products
find a part missing from our product
It is not sufficient just to mention your problem on the Eduard´s website duscussion.
Contact us directly and you can be sure your problem will be taken care of as soon as possible.
Your shipping costs:
Europe - 29 USD
North America - 29 USD
South America - 39 USD
other countries - 39 USD
Argentina - 47 USD
New Zealand - 47 USD
Thailand - 29 USD
Free postage isn't applied.
1136 Der rote Flieger (Fok.DrI+Albat.D.V.) 74.95
Total in shopping cart 1 $ 74.95
Total in shopping cart $ 74.95
Shipping costs $ 29.00
Total price: $ 103.95
See information please:
Please, contact us directly on [email protected] in case you:
wont receive an email confirmation about the receipt of your order within 3 working days
should have any problems login in into our website or any problems regarding your order
find mistakes or discrepancies in any of our products
find a part missing from our product
It is not sufficient just to mention your problem on the Eduard´s website duscussion.
Contact us directly and you can be sure your problem will be taken care of as soon as possible.
Your shipping costs:
Europe - 29 USD
North America - 29 USD
South America - 39 USD
other countries - 39 USD
Argentina - 47 USD
New Zealand - 47 USD
Thailand - 29 USD
Free postage isn't applied.


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Posted: Friday, May 16, 2008 - 11:17 AM UTC
Quoted Text
Greetings CWatson, here is what Eduard is advertising the first issue for.
1136 Der rote Flieger (Fok.DrI+Albat.D.V.) 74.95
Total in shopping cart 1 $ 74.95
Total in shopping cart $ 74.95
Shipping costs $ 29.00
Total price: $ 103.95
#1136, yep thats the kit. Was told it will be 1-2 weeks before it is in store, maybe I should have got two but as slow as I build by the the time I got to the second tripe a weekend edition would be out .


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Posted: Sunday, May 18, 2008 - 02:58 PM UTC
Chances are you will see the Dual Combo issue before any Weekend Editions are released. But I am wondering. Before the Fokker Dr.I waiting in the wings (as it were) are the weekend editions of the Camel and the Fok. D.VII. I wonder, will Eduard make us wait to highten the anticipation and thusly highten the sales?


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Posted: Sunday, May 18, 2008 - 09:21 PM UTC
yes they will .
Posted: Saturday, May 24, 2008 - 07:05 PM UTC
Quoted Text
You are insane!!!!!
Hi all!
Eduard have found 90 crazy people so far. Only 10 pieces of the Special Edition are still available on their website.



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Posted: Sunday, May 25, 2008 - 01:36 AM UTC
Quoted Text
OK, a qualified answer on the box top spelling (My wife is German).
If you are talking about one red flyer;
"Der Rote Flieger"
If you are talking about two or more;
"Die Roten Flieger"
And if they are actually flying;
"Die Roten Flieger fliegen"
I have great difficulty with German my self (I have half heartedly been trying to learn since my wife and I first met) ... nobody can tell me why a spoon loses its gender if you pick it up and give it to someone.
Ahhhh yes i've had similar discussions with my girlfriend, who is also German, about the whole gender thing....mainly as to how they invented an inbetween gender.
(OT)The other one i cannot get an answer to from her, is why when they televise "Hogans Heroes" in Germany (yes they do believe it or not) using German dubbing, they couldn't even make any effort to get voice actors that sound remotely similar to the original actors. It does my head in watching it...
Just had to share that one.


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Posted: Sunday, May 25, 2008 - 05:12 PM UTC
I just got the notice. Eduard is sending my über kit.
Andrew the inbetween gender in Germany . . .are called politicians in any language.
Andrew the inbetween gender in Germany . . .are called politicians in any language.


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Posted: Tuesday, May 27, 2008 - 12:13 AM UTC
Here is the first build up I have seen of this kit. Done by Srecko Bradic of Serbia. Done as F.I 102/17
Nicely done with some minor reservations. A decent build.
A good fellow and super talent . Look for something on him in the near future.

Nicely done with some minor reservations. A decent build.

A good fellow and super talent . Look for something on him in the near future.


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Posted: Wednesday, May 28, 2008 - 11:19 AM UTC
Note to all who have purchased the Eduard kit #1136X. There is only one set of Fokker Dr.I PE and masks in both issues (1136 or 1136X). The second Fokker Dr.I kit was intended to be plastic only. Here is a response from Eduard.
Quoted Text
"As M. was writing, there is not any missing PE-set. The second kit of Fokker is like a special bonus. There is not the second PE-sets and mask. We don’t suppose somebody will build both of kits. The modelers usual want built as well as unbuilt kit. The PE-sets for the second kit is not including to the price of this kit too. We advice on our web site there are 4 pcs of PE and 2 masks in the box. And it is all, what is part of this box. I hope you could understand.
With regards
Jana Sulcova,
Eduard Model Accessories
PS: It is possible we will able to produce several PE-sets and mask as special additional set to this limited edition for such modellers, which will be interesting it. The price will be 17 USD (of PE-sets + mask for one kit of Fokker Dr.I) It will be possible to add this item to their next order."


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Posted: Saturday, May 31, 2008 - 10:12 AM UTC
My red box über kit arrived today. More later. I am on my way to work.


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Posted: Sunday, June 01, 2008 - 01:40 AM UTC
Mine arrived this week (the "normal" Combo that is). At first I wanted to wait for the single Dr.I to come out, but being impatient I ordered one. Before I start with it I just practise a bit more on the Streaking camouflage. I did the fuselage of my DVII as such, but was not very pleased with the result.
Cheers, Nico
Cheers, Nico


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Posted: Sunday, June 01, 2008 - 07:16 AM UTC
To quote Alfred E. Newman........ "Blech"


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Posted: Sunday, June 01, 2008 - 12:59 PM UTC
Okay this really sucks . I'm still waiting for my kit to come in at the hobby shop !


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Posted: Monday, June 02, 2008 - 07:48 AM UTC
Quoted Text
Just for the record I was chastised on the WW1 modelers list for making observations about the relative heights on the Eduard figures without having them in hand! The author of the letter said they are indeed different heights. Stephen since you have them, any comments? RAGIII
Overall Rick On my examples they are the same height or near it. The difference is that the base is thicker on the bare headed MvR figure. The answer to the question ". . .are Eduard figures of differing heights?" the answer is yes. Measuring from the boot soles up to the eyes the distance is 5' 6" on MvR and 5' 8" on LvR and thats just to the eyes. Most people now know that MvR was just about 5' 7" overall when he rec'd his head wound. ( This was done measuring his pilot's badge as a known constant in the image of him and Nurse Odersdorf.) So it the LvR figure that nees to be taller. Here is an image taken by Mike Good.

Having seen Mr. Good's figures and those of Tom Sollers of Microsculpt the Eduard likeness' can not compare well.
Posted: Monday, June 02, 2008 - 08:00 AM UTC
I also find the figures a bit too tall for 1/48. LvR is 39mm and MvR is 37 mm (measured without the base)... but they look very nice else.
I also find the figures a bit too tall for 1/48. LvR is 39mm and MvR is 37 mm (measured without the base)... but they look very nice else.


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Posted: Monday, June 02, 2008 - 11:26 AM UTC
I notice that Sreiko has used a very blue... um... blue for the underside of his build. I was going to go a greyer shade for my F.I build.
Any thoughts?
I notice that Sreiko has used a very blue... um... blue for the underside of his build. I was going to go a greyer shade for my F.I build.
Any thoughts?


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Posted: Monday, June 02, 2008 - 01:09 PM UTC
Greetings Hugh!
The difference maybe in the monitors BUT the colours for the Dr.I light blue have been noted by colour research fiends. Start with the German colour called hellblau ( lt blue) and add a touch of zinc chromate green and I mean just a touch. The ratio would be something like 10 parts lt. blue to 1 part chromate green. The blue was not vivid and in this scale adding some light gull grey is not a bad idea. Then there was the castor oil exhaust.
Check my Portfolio on the subject of Fokker Dr.I types.
Click here
The light blue cowling for the Jasta 36 Fokker Dr. I 465/17 is supposed to be the undersurface colour carried up to the metal cowl at the unit level.
The difference maybe in the monitors BUT the colours for the Dr.I light blue have been noted by colour research fiends. Start with the German colour called hellblau ( lt blue) and add a touch of zinc chromate green and I mean just a touch. The ratio would be something like 10 parts lt. blue to 1 part chromate green. The blue was not vivid and in this scale adding some light gull grey is not a bad idea. Then there was the castor oil exhaust.
Check my Portfolio on the subject of Fokker Dr.I types.
Click here
The light blue cowling for the Jasta 36 Fokker Dr. I 465/17 is supposed to be the undersurface colour carried up to the metal cowl at the unit level.


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Posted: Friday, July 04, 2008 - 06:57 AM UTC
Greetings folks;
Here is the next issue of the new Fokker Dr.I mold. Seems like they can't make up their minds which side the white goes for the Frommherz profile.
Here is the next issue of the new Fokker Dr.I mold. Seems like they can't make up their minds which side the white goes for the Frommherz profile.


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Posted: Friday, July 04, 2008 - 02:44 PM UTC
Well I should have waited for this one to come out . I really donn't need the D.V . , but the price was worth as my friend Joyce would say ( Where are the little people ! ) The pin I end up passing that on to my Mom who has a very side collection . So i will get this kit and use the figuars and markings from the other . I'm going to try for my frist diaroma and was planning on having both of the Brothers Fokkers beside each other . Mark you inspirde me , Thank-You .


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Posted: Tuesday, July 08, 2008 - 09:18 AM UTC
I look forward to this release. Is it a SPAD VII or XIII on the cover?
Maybe they will come up with Colonel Klink's profile by the next release.
Maybe they will come up with Colonel Klink's profile by the next release.


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Posted: Tuesday, August 12, 2008 - 08:28 AM UTC
Greetings folks;
Here is the next issue of the new Fokker Dr.I mold. Dual Combo Kit #8161 is available for purchase now. Seems like they can't make up their minds which side the white goes for the Frommherz profile.
Looks like enough for two complete kits. There is even enough PE in this issue.
Here is the next issue of the new Fokker Dr.I mold. Dual Combo Kit #8161 is available for purchase now. Seems like they can't make up their minds which side the white goes for the Frommherz profile.

Looks like enough for two complete kits. There is even enough PE in this issue.


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Posted: Monday, August 18, 2008 - 12:32 PM UTC
Quoted Text
On Aug. 11, 2008, Merlin wrote ". . .and it's good to know you're not too far from your workbench. . . Eduard's Fokker Dr.I Combo kit and the Weekend Edition Sopwith Camel will be on their way to you as of tomorrow.All the best Rowan
Aug. 18, My wife just called me here at work. A package by Royal Mail has arrived. 5:10pm


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Posted: Wednesday, February 25, 2009 - 12:22 PM UTC
Greetings all;
Here it is. The Fokker Dr.I Weekend edition #8490. More to follow.
Here it is. The Fokker Dr.I Weekend edition #8490. More to follow.


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Posted: Wednesday, February 25, 2009 - 12:49 PM UTC
That looks real nice. And it is in time for the Camel vs Dr.I campaign. I wonder if streaks count as stripes?
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