I mentioned in a previous posting how I used a PE ROLLING TOOL to bend my Mg Cooling Jackets into tubes and they asked to see how ?
SO Allow me to share. It is an Expensive tool but with DOzens of PAirs of Mg Barrels to bend and the Instaneous quick and consistent results of the TOOL it has paid for itself in Perfectly used PE Mg Jackets and not a dozen balled up bent pieecs of PE I used to end up with.
I have a "Deluxe Brass Assist Rolling Set" PE ROLLING TOOL from "THE SMALL SHOP" They produce & Retail PE Bending / Rolling Cutting TOOLS.
THe Tool has a Neoprene or some such soft rubber mat on on side and Rolling Groove's on the Other. It also has slots for bending and making "Grab" Handles.