There was a reason the Customer who ordered it walked away from it. Bottom Line IS aside form hoping you got a slashed bargin price for it. It requires a tremdous to fair amount of flat out scratch building to fit existing pieces.
TO be fair after putting months in on it I NEVER got past fabricating new struts and attachment ponits to the wing and never got the gear and wing attached to the fusleage.

In my personal opinon this has always been (asisde from their Resin Rotories)

The entire series has been a cruel and destructive Hoax played on this Modeling Era which would have died a long time ago had it not been for Squadron Mail Orders Promotion of them. They came to market before Roden had geared up its entry into the scale and at the time appeared to be an exicting (EXPENSIVE) Option.

While everything appears simple, unassuming and easy construction. I almost guarunttee you once you cut it from the sprue almost NOTHING will be simple straight forward or easy. It will if you persevere almost be SURE to improve your modeling skills to MAKE this Kit WORK.

While I have seen actual completed examples of this series. Almost ALL have been completed by either competion or expert builders. Both of which I am not.
I'll go thru a few simple things here i found with the kit but certainly not all.