Here's a project I've had on the shelf for a few years while I've moved around and I'm finally going to complete this. I've completed the rear fuselage, parts of the forward fuselage and the tailplane. I'm making resin copies so I can build more than one and work on my molding skills.
Here's some shots............the rear fuselage.........

The bottom of the forward fuselage with carved wooden block I vacuformed over...............

Test fit,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Top of the forward fuselage with wooden block....i might need to reform this part.........we'll see.........

Here's my vertical tailplane with hinges....................

Make sure it's straight before casting the mold in my state of the art customizable mold casting box.................

Let it "cure" then remove the mold and slice off the top to the bottom of the pour block.....................................

Remove the master and pour in some resin........let it cure and there you have it......copies.....................

Next I'll do the same with the tailplane.
