Modern (1975-today): USA
Modern aircraft of the United States.
MD-80 from Minicraft
Tennessee, United States
Joined: September 20, 2005
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Posted: Friday, July 04, 2008 - 06:02 PM UTC

This is the Minicraft 1/144 scale MD-80 in US Air markings. The decals were a nightmare! It took three seperate kits, to get three decal sheets to cobble together the markings and they still didn't come out quite right.

The decals began to come apart in the water the first time. They came apart the second time. I then purchased some decal preserving solution and brushed it onto the third decal sheet. The helped quite a bit, but still parts of the decal came apart!

I have never had such trouble with decals before in any aircraft kit I have built. I wrote Minicraft asking if this was par for the course? I hope not, I enjoy building a civil subject now and then and Minicraft has a number I would like to build.

The kit went together well, and is painted with Model Master Acryl aluminum and light grey paint. Watch out for those decals I say again if you want to build this kit. I am waiting to hear from Minicraft for their answer.
Academy decals are easy compared to this build. It won't win any contests but try to enjoy it for what it is. Russell
Staff MemberManaging Editor
Tennessee, United States
Joined: December 21, 2002
KitMaker: 7,772 posts
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Posted: Friday, July 04, 2008 - 06:21 PM UTC
Hi Siderius,

Ah, decal dilemmas! The make or break of modeling.

Your Mad Dog turned out pretty good, especially how well you matched the broken decal with paint.