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Hi Stephen, There's also what appears to be a serial number on the fin. I can't make it out clearly in the scan, but it might be legible in the original print or photo (whichever you have). All the best Rowan
Rowan and Brad have gone straight to the heart of the matter. A better photo / scan to read the image better. I have 3 photo images to draw from. As to the details on the machines the historian Dan San Abbott has noted the following;
". . .The photograph was taken at the railroad tracks near to Habsheim Airfield, in the German Armee Abt. "B" around or about 16-17 March 1918 while loading Jasta 76b equipment for the transfer *to Liéramont Airfield in the German 2.Armee.
The colors of D.5787/17 were: spinner white. nose cowl blue. fuselage, yellow straw, sash, black and yellow. band , white. München kindl, black with yellow cross, inside sleeves and collar. Tailplane, L-R striping blue, white, blue, white,blue, white, blue. Wheel covers, blue. Wings, 5 color lozenge fabric with salmon pink tapes.
*I have arrived at that conclusion of the mountains in the background. In the area of the German 2.Armee is flatter without high hills.
Uffz. Karl Josef Hapf, was the pilot of Alb D.Va 5787/17. "Münchner Kindl."
(Concerning) The striped Alb.D.Va 5765/17.
*This machine belong to Ltn. Walter Böning, the Staffelführer. It was painted in blue and white stripes on the fuselage and tailplane, with white wings and spinner and all struts. The nose cowl and wheel covers were blue.
*Jagdstaffel 76b was formed at Flieger Ersatz Abteilung 1b at Schleissheim on 7 September 1917. *By 4 November 1917, Jasta 76b was fully organized and initially equipped with Alb. D.III(OAW) aircraft.
*On 4 November 1917, Jasta 76b moved to it's first operational airfield at Habsheim in the German Armee Abteilung "B".
*In December 1917, Jasta 76b began receiving Alb. D.Va aircraft. *On it's move to Liéramont Airfield in the German 2. Armee, Jasta 76b was completely equipped with *Alb. D.Va aircraft.
* Jasta 76b was a component of Jagdgruppe 2
along with Jasta 5 and Jasta 46 under command of Oblt. Richard Flashar. . ."