Almost at the end off this”play around” figure. The faces have got the final satin varnish so the Baron “gets alive”. The eyes got that’s glare from tiny gloss varnish. Then on to the uniform.
The basecolor for the uniform is 27 slate grey mixed with tiny 110 wood and 33 black. First step was to paint all clothing’s is this basecolour. Next thing was the shadow and wrinkles. A darker shade off basecolour was used (just added more black/wood), When the first shades was dry another even darker tone off the basecolor was mixed and added on the first shadows.
Finally some highlighting was added to the shoulders and cap. This was mixed from the same original basecolour and little 94 pale yellow was added, to get the basecolour just a little lighter.
Last thing is the medals to paint, still have no clue about the schoulderboards SO HELP ME OUT PLEASE.
The gold paint I'm using is a powder from Dekorima, using the medium/tincture from a brand new Humbrolgold tin get a nice and rich gold, every bottom off each button was shaded with tiny 62 leather mixed in to the gold.
The Bust is glued to a 2,5” homemade wooden base, the last thing is to fix the name to the base.
”The Baron”..
Conclusion off this project is that this is a fun hobby again. Year ago I painted figures mostly, but got bored out off them, but now maybe the time to restart thing. I'm thinking if I paint a couple more off these the technique will come back more and more
Lars Q
Thank for looking.