Start Here (for Beginners)
This forum is for younger modelers or people just starting out in the hobby.
This forum is for younger modelers or people just starting out in the hobby.
Hosted by Jim Starkweather
where to start? (altogether)


Joined: July 25, 2008
KitMaker: 4 posts
AeroScale: 1 posts

Posted: Monday, August 04, 2008 - 12:51 PM UTC
recently went out and bought a small model aircraft. thing is, where do i start. do i just work through the instructions then paint? surely theres bits need painting before being put together and so on. is there a guide anywhere of a complete model build so i can get the general idea of what order to do things as i can see myself getting lost.


Joined: January 19, 2008
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Posted: Monday, August 04, 2008 - 02:47 PM UTC
Hi Chris , Let me see if I can shead some light on this for you . Please note that we all have different ways of putting a kit together . Here's how I do it . Starting with cockpit all parts for the area are painted first and assmebled . Before the halfs are glued together I will do weathering using washes of black , brown . once this has fully dired I then do my dry brushing . next would be the flying surfaces glued on . While I'm waiting for this dry I will do my detail painting of the small parts , landing gear , wheels , Prop etc,etc ...... any caps and seems are cleaned up using Squadron White putty , sanded when dried . This is then primed to show anything I missed and for the paint to stick better . Painted it what colors you have chosen . when dry coat it with future flloor polish . after that has dried apply decals , wait for that to dry and seal with flat coat . glue on rest of the parts which are already painted . Hope this helps you out . more or less in a nut shell . If you have anymore questions just ask ! Happy modelling .
Have a look at the forums lots of us have on line builds or pic's on how we did things from just starting out to the advance . One thing about this hobby is we are always learning new things
Have a look at the forums lots of us have on line builds or pic's on how we did things from just starting out to the advance . One thing about this hobby is we are always learning new things


Joined: April 25, 2006
KitMaker: 831 posts
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Posted: Monday, August 04, 2008 - 11:07 PM UTC
Hello Chris, and welcome to the wonderful world of modelling geeks.
Terri said it all really, but you can take a look at my batch of pics from my latest Bf 109 build. Just make sure to check the running number of the pics. Photobucket seems to mess the order up a bit.
Part from that, just be cool and take small step. That's good psychology. Skip the extras on your first model and finish it as fresh from the factory. Try weathering the cockpit next time, and put a wash on the third. By the fourth (together with frequent visits here) you'll be ready to go the whole nine yards. Good luck.
Terri said it all really, but you can take a look at my batch of pics from my latest Bf 109 build. Just make sure to check the running number of the pics. Photobucket seems to mess the order up a bit.
Part from that, just be cool and take small step. That's good psychology. Skip the extras on your first model and finish it as fresh from the factory. Try weathering the cockpit next time, and put a wash on the third. By the fourth (together with frequent visits here) you'll be ready to go the whole nine yards. Good luck.
Posted: Monday, August 04, 2008 - 11:29 PM UTC
Hi Chris
Well, I started modelling when there was no internet and a world wide community. I see almost perfect first models nowadays because all the information is there and most newbies try to learn from other people experience before they start.
This also has disadvantages. Washes, future, filter, airbrush (...) are alle techniques that are normally used by advanced modellers. Learning it all in one biiig jump can be a bit problematic and discouraging.
Maybe it is better you start with the basics. Try to get the paints that are mentioned in the instruction (if those of the manufacturer are not availabale try to get similar colours that are available), some sandpaper (or sanding sticks), a cutter for the sprues.
Focus on a clean build. i.e. follow the instructions, do not break the parts but use a cutter or a model knife (be careful your skin is much easier to cut than plastic), use glue sparingly, sand the seams of the fuselage and the wings with some fine sandpaper, do not try to get all the tools for the first project if you do not like it you've dumped a lot of money.
For the first model painting with a brush is o.k. I know people who only brushpaint their models and it looks great !
There is another possiblity. Just glue everything together .. no paint, no sanding .. just fun and then fly the model around your room make some noise and if it has guns make that sound too and raid your hamster or gold fish. ... I bet we all did that once .. and I still do at times, well, at least the flying/raiding part
Have fun
if you like it. Try to make some more refined build the next time. Buy additional tools. Try a new technique. It is all about practice.
Well, I started modelling when there was no internet and a world wide community. I see almost perfect first models nowadays because all the information is there and most newbies try to learn from other people experience before they start.
This also has disadvantages. Washes, future, filter, airbrush (...) are alle techniques that are normally used by advanced modellers. Learning it all in one biiig jump can be a bit problematic and discouraging.
Maybe it is better you start with the basics. Try to get the paints that are mentioned in the instruction (if those of the manufacturer are not availabale try to get similar colours that are available), some sandpaper (or sanding sticks), a cutter for the sprues.
Focus on a clean build. i.e. follow the instructions, do not break the parts but use a cutter or a model knife (be careful your skin is much easier to cut than plastic), use glue sparingly, sand the seams of the fuselage and the wings with some fine sandpaper, do not try to get all the tools for the first project if you do not like it you've dumped a lot of money.
For the first model painting with a brush is o.k. I know people who only brushpaint their models and it looks great !
There is another possiblity. Just glue everything together .. no paint, no sanding .. just fun and then fly the model around your room make some noise and if it has guns make that sound too and raid your hamster or gold fish. ... I bet we all did that once .. and I still do at times, well, at least the flying/raiding part
Have fun
if you like it. Try to make some more refined build the next time. Buy additional tools. Try a new technique. It is all about practice.


Joined: January 05, 2006
KitMaker: 96 posts
AeroScale: 61 posts

Posted: Tuesday, August 05, 2008 - 06:36 AM UTC
Hi Chris
Reading thru this thread I see that you have received some very good advice. Allow me to add that from my recent experience as a "newbie", the biggest thing to remember is that you are not going to get the first several models looking as good as you want them to. The good news is that with each build you gain experience, and that, my friend, is what will make you better and better. Just try not to get too upset with your abilities at first and think about the FUN aspect of what you're doing.
Good luck and have fun!
Reading thru this thread I see that you have received some very good advice. Allow me to add that from my recent experience as a "newbie", the biggest thing to remember is that you are not going to get the first several models looking as good as you want them to. The good news is that with each build you gain experience, and that, my friend, is what will make you better and better. Just try not to get too upset with your abilities at first and think about the FUN aspect of what you're doing.
Good luck and have fun!


Joined: July 26, 2007
KitMaker: 292 posts
AeroScale: 265 posts

Posted: Tuesday, August 12, 2008 - 09:55 AM UTC
Welcome to the hobby Chris!
Lots of great advice already. The important thing to remember is that you should start off nice and easy. Don't be overly ambitious, have fun with your first few builds and once you're comfortable with the basics try a new technique - if your not happy you can try it differently on your next model and so on. Oh and have fun!!!
Good luck
Lots of great advice already. The important thing to remember is that you should start off nice and easy. Don't be overly ambitious, have fun with your first few builds and once you're comfortable with the basics try a new technique - if your not happy you can try it differently on your next model and so on. Oh and have fun!!!
Good luck

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