Quite a vast subject; I can only give you some hints for the french part of your question.
Regarding french navy camo schemes :
We've been using either GB or US planes and the planes displayed the period scheme : for Seafire Mk III, it was the temperate sea scheme (Extradark sea grey/Dak slate grey over Sky), the later use dof Seafire Mk XV was EDG over Sky;
Later came US types, mostly Sea Blue Gloss, with exception of the Dauntless used in late war reduction of german resistance that were in the 3 color schemes. This covers the use of Corsairs, Hellcat, Privateers, Dauntless, Sikorsky Helos of various types, up to P2V Neptunes and Martin Marlins.
During the 'modern' period, with introduction of national built aircarft, such as Alizé, Etendard and so on, we developped our own schemes, but this might exceed the era covered by your question.
The air force from which the recce planes were belonging used Mustang F-6 B and D, and these were NMF with OD antiglare panels.
We had a Recon squadron with P-38 end of WWII (mostly MTO and Germany campaign and these were either NMF of PRU blue (of British origin), with at least one zombie. It is a P-38 nicknamed "Jeanne" and believed to have been flown by St Exupery.
It is allegedly a P-38 in Synthetic Haze paint, with upper surfaces overpainted Olive Drab. This the fantasy theory - it could as well had been OD over Neutral grey ...
Here is what I can tell without more precise question,
Stef (#6)