World War II
Discuss WWII and the era directly before and after the war from 1935-1949.
Hosted by Rowan Baylis
Mosquito B.Mk.IV Revell 1/48
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Posted: Tuesday, October 28, 2008 - 09:29 AM UTC
Hi Gang

I am back home from the hospital and I am glad that I can announce the new Revell Mossie. It looks really nice on the pix and I am looking forward to get the shots soon ... BTW does anybody know if someone made decals for the German captured machine in 1/48?

here is the Link:

de Havilland DH 98 Mosquito B.Mk. IV

all the best

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Posted: Tuesday, October 28, 2008 - 10:14 AM UTC
Hi Steffen

That's exciting news on both counts - you home safe and building again and a new Mossie kit released.

I have some photos and a profile of the captured B. IV - T9+XB. I haven't come across specific decals for it, but Luftwaffe character sets should provide what's needed to model it.

All the best

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Posted: Tuesday, October 28, 2008 - 10:20 AM UTC

Glad to hear you are. Cutting Edge used to do a set of decal, but as Merlin said, you should be able to use standard codes.

Michigan, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, October 28, 2008 - 01:42 PM UTC
Welcome back. Hope you are feeling better

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Posted: Tuesday, October 28, 2008 - 01:57 PM UTC

Quoted Text

I am back home from the hospital ...

Steffen, welcome back! I hope all is well.
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Posted: Tuesday, October 28, 2008 - 06:59 PM UTC
Thank you guys!!

I am feeling well now everything back to "normal" and the blood pressure is down a bit (which makes me a bit tired .. but it was veeeeery high)... and with a proper rehab I think I can build models for some more years

As for the Mossie: the test shots are of 3rd generation (i.e. almost final) .. I have no idea on marking options


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Posted: Thursday, October 30, 2008 - 08:52 PM UTC
Hello again

i got the sprues today and kind of instructions too.

They look very nice. The plastic material is of a strange type which is totally o.k for a test shot .. but probably will give me some difficuties glueing it. The surface is a bit "rough" --- or better called satin --- and the panel lines appear a bit "soft"/broad. the ejector pin marks are pretty large but mostly hidden. All this is "complaining" on a very high level.

The detail in the pit looks very nice. Also there are some parts that combine several details but nonetheless look very good

One point that is most probably also to be seen on the finished model kit aree the sink marks on the wings where mating surfaces of the flaps are molded on the inside.

I will not check accuracy!!! Either they got it right or not ... others will spend their time on that and will probably find fatal flaws that make this kit unbuildable. Thats o.k. but I want to have fun with this.

i started glueing the fuselage front and rear parts together .. this is not statedin the "instructions" but gives me a better feeling in terms of alignment.

bye for now and happy modelling

P.S. pix will follow when there is something to show
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Posted: Friday, October 31, 2008 - 07:43 AM UTC
O.K. here are some pix

Everything went very smooth so far. No joy on nice decals yet CE Zirkus Rosarius is OOP and so far i did not come across a nice decal set with markings for a notable pilot.

Back to the model: In many places the sprue attachment points are damn near the parts. Mostly no problem with proper tools, but I broke an arm rest of the pilots seat and the ailerons also lost a small part of the trailing edge (both and before cutting!) not a very good idea to put gate connectors there. The fit is very good in some places and mediocre in others ... might be my own approach to building this kit .. and of course it is still a Test Shot and no production model kit.

The flaps and ailerons are posable, but esp. the flaps are better glued in one position. the bomb bay looks nice and busy.

All in all it all will look much better with a coat of colour:


Moselle, France
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Posted: Friday, October 31, 2008 - 07:38 PM UTC
Hi Steffen!

Nice to see and read you again!

But are you sure you are really ok? A RAF mosquito in German markings!? It's as if, let me think, one would do a German Siebel in RAF markings!

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Posted: Friday, October 31, 2008 - 07:51 PM UTC

Quoted Text

Hi Steffen!

Nice to see and read you again!

But are you sure you are really ok? A RAF mosquito in German markings!? It's as if, let me think, one would do a German Siebel in RAF markings!


Hi Jean-Luc

I never pretended that I am mentally sane .. hey I build toys at the age of 34

Bomber command is not my favorite subject but if I had a nice markings option (with a notable pilot/crew) .... OTOH I think I can manage the Rosarius markings even without decals .....


England - East Anglia, United Kingdom
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Posted: Friday, October 31, 2008 - 08:25 PM UTC
Glad to see you back Steffen.

It's nice to see another Mosquito kit in 48th. I'm sure Revell have researched this model well and by the looks of the cockpit had a good look at the Tamiya kit too. The interior parts have an almost identical layout as the Tamiya kit (not that it's a bad thing)

I look forward to seeing your built machine.

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Posted: Friday, October 31, 2008 - 09:08 PM UTC
Hi Howard

as for similarities ... AFAIK Revell bought the AccMin research data (remember they wanted to issue a Beaufighter and a Mossi but were jumped by Tamiya) and Braz models (or the guy behind it) made the final design. There were at least 4 variants on the Braz site .. but now they are gone and only the soon to be issued B.Mk. IV is left.

I think the kit is a winner for Revell ... there are surely other aircraft that need to be done in 48scale, but the Mossie surely will be a cash cow over the years (GB is still the premier market for model kits in Europe)


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Posted: Friday, October 31, 2008 - 11:54 PM UTC
Hi again

today I sanded the wings after I puttied the sink marks yesterday evening .. I am not sure if I got totally rid of it, but the primer coat will show.

I had to do some adjustments in the pit .... we will see if this is a failure of th kit or mine. The large radio is not centered .. I am not sure if this is correct or not and if it is an alignment error of mine but it interferes with the canopy opening, so I cut the corner (1) the 2nd smaller radio (2) interferes with the armour (3) and is slightly overlapping the big radio ... I moved it a mm out board and everything is cool. I also slightly sanded the mount bracing of the armour plate .. still I have to apply considerable pressure to get the front together. Thinking about it I probably did an error, but I do not know where.

Here is a picture of the bomb bay. About 15 parts so far.

I mixed some interior green and sprayed the interior with it. When the paint is dry I will take a few pix.

all the best

California, United States
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Posted: Saturday, November 01, 2008 - 04:00 AM UTC
Fascinating, Steffen- both the build and the history of this particular kit! Looking at that bomb bay, I can only imagine what kind od goodies Eduard must be cooking up even as I type! Cheers!

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Posted: Saturday, November 01, 2008 - 06:11 AM UTC
Thanks a lot Chuk/Chuck !

(which one is correct?)

I am very happy Revell is doing a 1/48 scale model again, as they have stated more than once that 1/48 are shelf sitters in their book. Hope they re-think their strategy and offer more than one version of a kit at once .. still waiting for the Do 217 J (which I believe is already tooled) .. at least Monogram is releasing the Do 217 E-4 .. I digress.

This kit is very nice while maybe not as good as the "Korean era" stuff (Rafale, F-84, F-86D, Do 217, Helldiver.... culminating in the superb Ju 52) .. but I will wait for the released kit before a final word on this.

here are two pix after I applied the first water color wash:


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Posted: Sunday, November 02, 2008 - 08:09 AM UTC
Hi Steffen

Thanks for bringing us this ahead of the game build! It's great to know your spell in hospital hasn't dulled your eye for news story!

I'll definitely grab one of these when it hits the UK shelves. It looks well priced at just under cost of Tamiya's Mossie - and it's got engine detail too. It's funny you should mention the (now absent) other versions on the Bra.Z. page - looking at the sprues on IPMS Germany, I immediately thought Revell have not only left the way open for the obvious fighter nose, but also late-model engine nacelles.

I really hope the kit sells well enough to encourage them to release more versions!

All the best

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Posted: Sunday, November 02, 2008 - 10:18 PM UTC
Hi Rowan

yes it has got two engines and stuff .. but I will leave them off as I lack the time for proper treatment.

The assembly in the u/c + engine bays is rather complicated in my "instructions sheet" (it is just some 3d cad stuff printed out with some parts numbers) and the very fine/thin plastic parts plus very narrow sprue attachment points do their share to make it a fiddely thing. I also found a few no fully molded parts (typical for test shots of early generations ... but this should be eliminated for the final product). the fit of the nacelle parts is very good and very bad at the same time. The front over the wing is superb! the rear is some kind of a nightmare as I not really know how it should fit.

Please forgive my crappy cockpit .. I just painted some effects. The dash board is a kind of a miracle to me. The backside is very nice with instrument imitation .. the front side is almost flat with just a few circles .. ideal to apply a Eduard zoom set directly on it and probably designed to used decals ... you see that I am really disappointed about the execution of this part (maybe more to come on the final product, but I do not bet on that). I prefer sanding some instruments away when I install aftermarket parts over such a flat part which is not useable alone.

Maybe I find the guts to proceed with the u/c (I already had a part broken during removement and reglued) ...

all the best

England - East Anglia, United Kingdom
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Posted: Sunday, November 02, 2008 - 11:39 PM UTC
Hi Steffen

Thank you for the above information, it's very interesting to know that.

The Mosquito is coming on well and I look forward to more updates from you. As I'm building the Tamiya FB version at the moment it is very interesting to see how the two compare in parts fit and like Rowan I think I'd be very interested in purchasing this kit when it's released.

Keep it up

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Posted: Friday, December 05, 2008 - 10:36 AM UTC
Hi there

I had a chance to chat with the guys at Modelzone today and, apparently, the word from Revell is that the Mossie should be on the shelves in the UK next week...

All the best

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Posted: Saturday, December 06, 2008 - 04:45 AM UTC
Hi All

as another motivation I have some pix of Dieter WIegmann's build for Revell (using much earlier test shots! .. he is a real artist making a full model from those) .. the pix are also published at HyperScale and Modelversium.

DH 98 B.Mk.IV

my own build is a bit stuck .. need to find some modelling motivation ....


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Posted: Saturday, December 06, 2008 - 05:43 AM UTC
thanks Steffen....I'm definitely getting one....looks great 'aus dem Kasten' ! (although the decals have silvered a bit)

and nice to see you back

all the best
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Posted: Saturday, December 06, 2008 - 06:07 AM UTC
Hi Neil

Well, some guys over at HS have already stated that this kit is fatally flawed and unbuildable and it is only good to force Tamiya to lower their prices ... sic !!!

IMO this is no competition to Tamiya. It is maybe not the definitive Mossi, more difficult to build and it is aimed at another group of modellers than the Tamiya kit .. still I think it will be a winner for Revell .

As discussed in our PMs I am no PR man for Revell and everyone is able to make his/her own choice. I am glad Revell does a quarterscale kit again as 1/48 models are shelfsitters in their doctrine. I would like some of their Bundeswehr kits in my scale ... a Wolf, Unimog or MAN would be great


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Posted: Saturday, December 06, 2008 - 08:56 PM UTC
Hi Steffen

"...fatally flawed and unbuildable" - presumably, these people have actually got the finished version in their hands and aren't just going on hearsay? Looking at Dieter's clearly built(!) model, the spinners seem a bit bulbous, but that should be correctable.

I'm still looking forward to the kit (hopefully for Christmas...) and I'll wait to form my own judgement on it. There's a certain brand of modeller who just seems to love picking holes in any new kit - if we went by their opinion of all the "fatally flawed and unbuildable" kits, no-one would ever build anything! Remember the absurd furore in some quarters over the cowls in Accurate Miniature's B-25?...

All the best

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Posted: Saturday, December 06, 2008 - 09:24 PM UTC
Hi Rowan

of course I was a little exaggerating .. but many people seem to do their final judgment from a few pix without even having seen the kit ....

I think I see what you mean:

I personally think the B-25 was the neckbreaker for AccMin .. just after being jumped by big T with Mossie and Beaufighter. The B-25 kit is of very good quality, but the bad press about the cowlings destroyed their sales .. since then there was a split, ownership battles, sold sprues and reboxings .. but nothing new ... too bad.

all the best

England - East Anglia, United Kingdom
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Posted: Sunday, December 07, 2008 - 11:18 PM UTC
Drag that inspiration back Steffen! I'm really looking forward to seeing the markings you add to her!

I think (and this is only my opinion) that when you buy a Revell kit you expect to have to build it. They never have been a box shaker like a Tamiya kit and I think the highly competetive prices reflect that. I don't mind messing around with fitment at all but I understand some don't want that and thats fine.

Only I do find is that on the older Revell kits that I have built (FW190 D-11, Do 217E-5 and BF110 G-2) the decals always seem to silver. Might be just me but it's just what I've found.
