I've not posted any of my work on here before, mainly because I'm new to this way of modelling (I did it when I was younger as we all did - plenty of paint on a brush!). This is my second build using the airbrush, filling gaps etc. It's the first time that I've used any preshading or weathering though.
It's the Hasegawa Iraqi Freedom 1:48. The kit comes with two options, the normal green on - or the lesser seen grey one. I decided to do the grey one - only to REALLY stuggle with reference pics. The one's I did find were on Flickr and have since been removed

Overall the kit went together very well, as expected. The only thing I'd fault are the grey decals, or should I say pink. From what I'd expect, they should be dark grey... they're not.

Any thoughts or comments are obviously welcome, as I'm still very new to it - there's bound to be things that I can take onboard for my next build.