I also fount a rather simple paintjob in the D's based in Norway, roughly at the time for the Battle of Britain. Two greens on blue, no mottling and numbers that can be painted on. This one is 8, but I've decided that 7 is easier to mask.

As usual cockpit tub comes first. A half-dark grey acts as base.

A little drybrushed silver and some oil wash and that was good to put together.

The canopy is one single piece on this, so I decided to use the rear and mid portions from a Hasegawa G-2 but needed the front from this. On with the razor saw. I hope I get this straight in the end.

After this it was time for primer, but I will wait with the canopy installation. I fit the landing gear doors with some tape, just to protect the gear wells. It seems to work just with a little masking tape cut a bit too big.

I've got a bit further, but haven't got the pics ready, so I'll be back tomorrow, with the painting stages.