Thnaxs a lot Rowan, Stehpen and Jim ...
The Tamiya Storch is probably one of the best engineered models ever... Without too much effort it is possible to produce a very fine result.
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Michael,this is VERY nice work..I like your subtle colour contol and weathering. Can you tell us if you have added anything to the kit or is it straight out-of-box?
Strating from the cockpit, I made a new middle seat from scratch and added the canopy internal framework. I also used the canopy masks (provided by the kit) as a template to make a second set in order to mask the canopy interior. Then I airbrushed the lot with RLM 02. The only two faults I found in this kit was the relatively big gap underneath the wings whre the two halves meet as well as the gap between the horizontal stabilizer and the fuselage. The first was rectified with filling and sanding whereas in the second case I had to cut a few bits from the kit parts.
The most interesting aspects in this built were indeed the weathering and the engine. The whole of the model was airbrushed with a lighter shade of Xtracolor RLM 79 which was highlighted on the right side of each wing frame and darkened on each left side. Similarly on the fuselage the higher bits were highlighted and the lower ones darkened. Then I made extensive use of oil colours and experimented with different techniques... The idea was to add to the initial airbrushed highlighting and shading. Oil streaks, faded and used materials, slight chipping and smoke from the exhausts were amongst the intended weathering techniques.
Finally the engine was based on the Storch Manual so I tried to make it as accurate as I could. Once again the weathering was done with oil colours such as black, burnt and raw umber, white etc.
Thanks again, I hope i did't overdo it with my description.