crockett- Wonderful build. I finish up her sister, "Mike's Bird" tomorrow. I've been on her off-and-on since last February '09. I'll post up some pics too. I was too cheap to purchase an aftermarket cockpit so I crafted some seat belts out of clay. The balance I left as is. Turned out well enough. Regarding the decals I just loved the ones in this kit. I agree they are very thin. Some of the smaller ones are so small I had to apply them with a jeweler's loop and toothpick!!! I believe there were at least 80 decals in all. I've installed all but 3 so far. Most are so tiny you need a jeweler's loop to read them, but read them you can! The detail is just incredible. I set them with Micro Set and even minute detail shows through like they were painted on. And yes there is absolutely no sign of carrier film with these decals. They are the best I've ever used. I would not feel too bad about the non-black cockpit. I read extensively about the cockpit color and having one of these birds close by at the Museum of the Air Force in Dayton, Ohio, well.............I think grey is correct.
Keep up the very good work!