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Excellent work Dave!
Really nice, this really makes me want a TSR.
I´m a litte weak for the allover white one.
I chickened out of the all-white finish as it's very hard to achieve a realistic look
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BTW. Do you brushpaint your kits? In that case maybe you have some tips for me as I´m looking
at improving my technique and your finishing is immacculate.
Thanks for the compliment, I've never used an airbrush so yes, it's brushpainted.
Always buy the best brushes that you can - I always use artists sable brushes; and use the right size for the job. I have loads - from size 0000 to 1/2" flats. When they get old and are replaced I use them for weathering vehicles and applying liquid glue, putty etc.
For large areas use long sweeping strokes, this gets a smoother and more even finish, using a flat brush. Do not be afraid to use more than one coat, far better to do that than get runs and obscured etails.
Always look after your brushes, and clean them properly. I keep seperate brushes for enamels, varnishes and acrylics. Costs a lot but it's worth it and if you look after them they can last for years. Enamels are cleaned out with household white spirits (mineral spirits in the US); acrylics with washing-up liquid and warm water; and the varnishes that I use (artists spirit-based acrylic) with white sprit again - then with water/washing up liquid. Every so often I clean all the brushes with cellulose thinners as this gets rid of all the dry paint that will get into the roots of the bristles however carefully you clean the brush.
Hopefully that'll help a bit - practice is the best teacher though.