Modern (1975-today): USA
Modern aircraft of the United States.
Super Hornet Markings revisited
California, United States
Joined: March 06, 2003
KitMaker: 67 posts
AeroScale: 0 posts
Posted: Sunday, June 08, 2003 - 06:41 PM UTC
in the latest Air Forces Monthly magazine, they have a feature on Formidable Foghters. In it the Super Hornet is featured and they gave a list of which squadrons are converting to Super Hornets and when they are to do so. Lots of it is good modelling potential :-)

F-14 Squads converting to F/A-18E
VF-14 (already converted)
VF-11 (2007)

F-14 Squads converting to F/A-18F
VF-41 (already converted)
VF-102 (already converted)
VF-2 (2003)
VF-154 (2004)
VF-32 (2005)
VF-103 (2005)
VF-211 (2006)
VF-213 (2006)
VF-31 (2007)
VF-143 (2008)

F/A-18C converting to F/A-18E
VFA-115 (already operational)
VFA-22 (2003)
VFA-137 (2003)
VFA-81 (2005)
VFA-86 (2006)
VFA-105 (2007)
VFA-146 (2008)

hope this helps out