World War II: Germany
Aircraft of Germany in WWII.
Hosted by Rowan Baylis
RLM colors
United States
Joined: June 13, 2003
KitMaker: 121 posts
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Posted: Friday, June 13, 2003 - 03:08 AM UTC
Does anyone know of a very accurate conversion table for RLM colors? (including Tamiya, testors, gunze, etc.)

Manitoba, Canada
Joined: August 27, 2002
KitMaker: 471 posts
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Posted: Friday, June 13, 2003 - 07:06 AM UTC
First of all welcome to the site. Testors put out a little handbook about modelling and some time back released it as a downloadable file for free. I bought the book (before the file was available) and it has a fair bit of conversion tables in it, so if you can find it (testors website) it might be what you are looking for. The best part of the actual book is that is has a MM color chart that you can use to compare the actual colors and best fit the colors you have to the colors you need. I decided that OD is close enough to RLM71 that i don't need a new bottle of paint, HAHA.
Here is the link http://www.testors.com/tips_tech_guide.asp
United States
Joined: June 13, 2003
KitMaker: 121 posts
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Posted: Friday, June 13, 2003 - 10:22 AM UTC

Quoted Text

First of all welcome to the site. Testors put out a little handbook about modelling and some time back released it as a downloadable file for free. I bought the book (before the file was available) and it has a fair bit of conversion tables in it, so if you can find it (testors website) it might be what you are looking for. The best part of the actual book is that is has a MM color chart that you can use to compare the actual colors and best fit the colors you have to the colors you need. I decided that OD is close enough to RLM71 that i don't need a new bottle of paint, HAHA

Alright herr, danke very much!