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Attaching Canopy
Florida, United States
Joined: March 01, 2008
KitMaker: 529 posts
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Posted: Thursday, March 19, 2009 - 11:21 AM UTC
I'm about to start building my first aircract (joining the dark side after several years of building armor) and wanted to know what is the best type of adhesive to attach the clear canopy to the plane's fuselage?
California, United States
Joined: July 08, 2003
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Posted: Thursday, March 19, 2009 - 11:23 AM UTC
I use Elmer's glue (white glue) not only holds the canopy in place without fogging but also good for filling any gaps and providing some degree of blending of the canopy to the fuselage.
Pennsylvania, United States
Joined: December 09, 2003
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Posted: Thursday, March 19, 2009 - 11:30 AM UTC
Hi Hermann. welcome to the aircraft side. I use superglue.First I dip my clear parts in Future, it not only shines them up, it keeps the clear part from frosting up, superglue will frost a clear part if it's not dipped in Future first,similar to what Chuck was talking about. With superglue, a little dab will do ya. Hope this helps, Wingman out.
Florida, United States
Joined: March 01, 2008
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Posted: Thursday, March 19, 2009 - 11:35 AM UTC
Thanks for the pointers. Just received my kit (Eduards FW190) im now purchasing colors and tools needed for the assembly. I came across a wash from promodellers that seems ideal for weathering and detailing the panel lines. Anyone with exp with this product and if its worth the extra $$ ?
California, United States
Joined: July 08, 2003
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Posted: Thursday, March 19, 2009 - 11:38 AM UTC
You may want to take a look at their web page. I know a few people here have used it and liked the result.

Florida, United States
Joined: March 01, 2008
KitMaker: 529 posts
AeroScale: 340 posts
Posted: Thursday, March 19, 2009 - 12:02 PM UTC
Looks easy to apply and the results look good. I'm sold ..ordered directly from the distributor and shipping is free world wide (can't beat that deal).