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Don't forget that the Lancaster fuselage was built in three, separate, sections, then mated at the final assembly stage. It makes sense that the front stage would be black right through (to the wingspar,) with the rear two painted green.
Hi all,
The interior color problem of the Lancaster don't seem to be that easy to answer. I've read that early Lancasters (Mk.I's which is case of the one I'm building) have been produced with the fuselages of Manchesters and it seems these were interior green. Later Lancasters cockpits were painted all black it seems...
However, there are Lancasters with a mix of both...
I assume that some "all interior green" Lancasters received a coat of black paint later. This is also an interesting picture...
Clearly, some areas are in interior green and other in black. I chose to do my Lancaster that way. Because I think it could have been tike that and also because it looks better in my opinion. Call this artistic license...
I'm not a Lancaster expert though and I don't have many references about that type of aircraft. I can be all wrong of course...