World War II: USA
Aircraft of the United States in WWII.
Hosted by Rowan Baylis
Flying Tigers Colours ??
England - East Anglia, United Kingdom
Joined: June 06, 2006
KitMaker: 315 posts
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Posted: Saturday, April 11, 2009 - 10:31 PM UTC
Hi Gang, I`m currently building a 1967 vintage Revell P-40 but i`m getting stuck as all colours are just stated with no paint no`s as a guide.
What i need to help me are preferably humbrol (or federal standard as i can convert these) colours for :-
(1) Spinach Green
(2) Light Brown
(3) Light Grey
Any help or guides would be a great help
Minnesota, United States
Joined: November 07, 2008
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Posted: Sunday, April 12, 2009 - 01:58 AM UTC
Hello Danny -

No 'expert' here, but I went back to dig up my references - First from "Super Scale Decals"
The FS colours they refer to are:
Dark Earth FS 30118
Dark Green FS 34096
Sky Type S FS 34424

Second Reference (and more current) is from Eagle Files #4 "Tigers over China - The Aircraft of the A.V.G." By Thomas Tullis

On the chapter "Camouflage Colours" - Page 32, he provides the following information:

"While Curtiss did not actually have RAF paint stock on hand, they used DuPont paints that approximated the colour description given to them by the RAF.
The upper surfaces were to be painted Dark Green & Dark Earth. In some cases the brown colour used had a slightly more yellow hue to it that the RAF colour, which became more evident when fading occured in theeh field. The DuPont paints used were 71-065 (Dark Brown) & 71-013 (Dark Green)
Probably the most confusing and disputed area of research concerns the paint used on the undersurface. While the RAF used "Sky Type S", there wasn't any DuPont color that matched it. A cool gray colour was used instead, and this was likely FS 16473 Aircraft Gray.."

It's a mouthfull, but I hope it helps..! I'm currenlty working on Trumpeters P-40 B/C in 1/72 scale and am using these as reference...to be honest..I'm actually going to used faded O.D. with a little extra brown in it in lieu of the Dark Earth

England - East Anglia, United Kingdom
Joined: June 06, 2006
KitMaker: 315 posts
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Posted: Sunday, April 12, 2009 - 09:50 AM UTC
Cheers Johannes,I`ll give these a try - at least i`m not flying blind now !!.
Many Thanks,Danny.
Staff MemberManaging Editor
Tennessee, United States
Joined: December 21, 2002
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Posted: Tuesday, April 14, 2009 - 11:48 AM UTC
Johannes, my sources (Dana Bell, etc.) echo yours. One thing I would add is interesting, but open to debate.

There are several color photos taken of the AVG aircraft. including the video FEI HU, aired on PBS a few years ago, and still available. After consideration of color shift, fading of the film, ettc., it appears that the potentially distorted colors remain constant; to me the brown appears far redder than RAF Dark Earth. And to quote an AVG pilot, the brown was, "...the color of old Georgia red clay." I have no idea what USAAF/Du Pont color this could be, though it has been speculated as, '...prewar Rust Brown."

I look forward to your models!
New York, United States
Joined: March 24, 2007
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Posted: Wednesday, April 29, 2009 - 02:18 AM UTC
I found this website yesterday with a very indepth discussion of the AVG colors and will give his final decision a try.
