For anyone who's missed my previous posts, I trying to model a Bf109E-3 as flown by Adolf Galland of III./JG26. Apparently, this was camouflaged in a locally mixed grey mottle scheme. The result is certainly going to look different, and could provoke a few howls of derision!
Photos 1&2 show the parts with pre-shading applied.
Photo 3. Now for some RLM65. The idea is add light coats and not obsure the pre-shading.
Photo 4. That's the result... it may be too heavy... another light coat would tone it down.
Photo 5. Upper surfaces...believe or not, the pre-shading was really distinct before the mottling! Now it's vitually disappeared... that's one to remember. Oh well... there always POST-shading!
As regards the actual camouflage scheme - I'm starting to think "What have I done!"! Tonally, it seems to match my reference photos quite well... but it is VERY strange! Ah well... to late to turn back now! (It can always sit at the back of the shelf!)
All the best